101st Airborne Assn. “Old Abe” Bourbon Whiskey, 2022
Made by commission, I worked in close conjunction with the Master Distiller to formulate and mockup a custom made bottle, incorporating the elements of the American Eagle, using the golden Eagle head of the cork and the claws and feathered wings embossed upon the bottle to roughly compose the body of the animal, all with the intent of using the design to be evocative of the “Screaming Eagle” potch which the division is most famous for. The Medallion at the bottle’s center incorporates the division’s yellow and black colors and the use of paratrooper wings to harken to the nature of the division being an Airborne unit.
Society of the 1st Infantry Division “Lady Victory” Straight Bourbon Whiskey, 2021
Made by commission, this bottle pays tribute to the unit it is meant to commemorate with the use of the unit’s Iconic army green and red colors, incorporating elements of military prestige in the use of heavy serifs, slogans, stars, and a medallion of Lady Victory which ties to the Unit’s History at Fort Riley.
82nd Airborne Bourbon Whiskey, 2020
Made by commission, I chose to replicate the same design philosophy as the 3rd Infantry Bottle and approached the design as a memorial to the service members, exclusively using serif fonts and incorporating a metal medallion of their jump wings to serve as the front label. For the wax dipping, I chose a blue color as it is reflective of the sky and draws a connection to the division’s nature as an airborne force.
3rd Infantry Division “Rock of the Marne” American Whiskey, 2019 (Front)
With permission from the actual unit from which this product honors, These labels were my opportunity to tackle a more commemorative design philosophy. My goal was to create a set of labels that would effectively turn the bottle into a memorial, with exclusive use of serif fonts and an in-depth description of the history of the 3rd ID. The use of blue with gold text and highlights expresses an aesthetic akin to a service ribbon, reflective of the distinguished deeds it has performed throughout its service history, with accolades pertaining to the conflicts it has taken part in.
Goodin & Sons Kentucky Vodka, 2019
The very first bottle I designed for Boundary Oak Distillery, I drew from common design ques from the Kentucky Alcohol businesses around the state, adding floral accents and creating a custom die for the front label to be reminiscent of a vintage seal, incorporating appropriate font styles to match.
St.Luke Lavender Whiskey, 2020
Made on Commission and catered towards a female demographic, I decided a on a more modern design philosophy using a soft color palette reflective of the key ingredient, that being lavender, incorporating floral designs with a heavy emphasis on thin lines.
Red Helmet Cinnamon Whiskey Redesign, 2019
A simple redesign of an already established brand though it was never put out to market. Given the bottle is in honor of volunteer firefighters, I chose to reflect aspects of vintage firefighter helmets to add decorum to the front label, and reflected the nature of the bottle’s contents by using colors often associated with fire departments, red & yellow.
Leatherneck/ Valor Whiskey (UNRELEASED), 2019
Originally intended as a bottle in honor of the United States Marine Corps, I approached this design with an emphasis on the perceived nature of a marine, with traits of ruggedness, bravery, and tenacity in find, with fonts, imagery, and graphics that reflect those qualities, coming together into a design that
Lincoln Straight Bourbon Whiskey Redesign, 2021
A definitive redesign of the original Lincoln Bottle, reducing the amount of fonts in the Hierarchy from three to just one, using a serif font that felt stately and presidential to reflect the legacy of the man behind the bottle’s namesake and adding a subtle drop shadow effect to let the text pop off the bottle making it more readable.
Unreleased “White Pup” Wheat Mash. 2022
Although unreleased, the production of this label was to play heavy on the fact that the product in question was clear in nature, thus the option to create a label that reflected this came in the form of a black and white design that played heavy into cartoon elements that I felt had a strong connection with the naming of the product, meant to invoke a nostalgic sense drawing from Sunday comics for inspiration.
“Rock of the Marne” Stretch Banner, 2020
Lincoln Bourbon and My Old Kentucky Home Bourbon Banner, 2019
Patton Museum Military Brands Banner, 2021
Goodin & Sons Kentucky Vodka Bar Poster, 2020
Lincoln Bourbon Whiskey, 2019
PATTON Armored Diesel Bar Poster, 2020
3rd Infantry Division Rock of the Marne Whiskey Bar Poster, 2020
Cinnful 69 Bar Poster, 2019
82nd Airborne Bourbon Whiskey Bar Poster, 2020
Papa John’s Quality Seal Concept #1, May 2023
For this project, the aim was to create a series of quality seal stickers for Papa John’s pizza products that could be used as an advertising space for promotional initiatives. This first design focuses on a sweepstakes promotion using the Iconic in-house design akin to Papa John’s standard branding making it adaptable for a variety of initiatives.
Papa John’s Quality Seal Concept #2, May 2023
For this project, the aim was to create a series of quality seal stickers for Papa John’s pizza products that could be used as an advertising space for promotional initiatives. This second design focuses on promoting a professional sports team in the hopes to boost awareness and in turn sales for parties of an official partnership/sponsorship program with said team and their affiliating league, with the design reflecting the physical qualities of the sporting team it represents by using the team’s colors and the use of textures and imagery invocative of modern sports branding trends.
Papa John’s Quality Seal Concept #3, May 2023
For this project, the aim was to create a series of quality seal stickers for Papa John’s pizza products that could be used as an advertising space for promotional initiatives. This third design focuses on the promotion of a specific limited time product in conjunction with ongoing specials with the aim to boost sales with its appeals in name brand recognition and discounted price, with the design incorporating celebrity imagery and company brand colors.
Woodland Farms Company Logo, 2022
Working back in forth with the client, we wanted to create a company logo that gave off a commercial athestetic with natural vibes using organic Earth tones in the coloration and subtle gradients to be pleasing to the eye.
Evolve Logo, February 2021
Made for an aspiring Physical recovery business, this logo reflects the stages of perseverance that the company provides for former vets who suffered injury. This logo is representative of hose going through recovery by using imagery that reflects the enviroment and goal of recovery, and displays the use of atlas, whose strength holds up the world, a reflection of the strength they will one day regain.
Hermosa Blanco Organic Tequila Labels, 2020 (Freelance)
Working in Conjunction with my Client, we discussed multiple strategies and compositions in design, taking a methodical approach to the design until a final iteration was decided on. This project was months in the making, going through over 20 different designs before settling on the final cut. The Design incorporates elements that are common in the alcohol trade, with blends of script, serif, and san serif fonts, working in tandem to give off the perception of something modern yet vintage in its appearance, with elements of an almost stamp-like quality, as if it were necessary to be transported across international borders.
Hermosa Anejo Organic Tequila Labels, 2020 (Freelance)
Hermosa Reposado Organic Tequila Labels, 2020 (Freelance)
Custom Magic the Gathering Token #1, 2022
A Personal project of mine to blend my skills in Illustration and Graphic Design to create a functional game piece to the Magic the Gathering Card game, adding my own unique aesthetic whilst adhering to the design principles of the game in question, reflecting the tokens identity in terms of color and formatting.
Custom Magic the Gathering Token #2, 2022
A Personal project of mine to blend my skills in Illustration and Graphic Design to create a functional game piece to the Magic the Gathering Card game, adding my own unique aesthetic whilst adhering to the design principles of the game in question, reflecting the tokens identity in terms of color and formatting.
Custom Magic the Gathering Token #3, 2022
A Personal project of mine to blend my skills in Illustration and Graphic Design to create a functional game piece to the Magic the Gathering Card game, adding my own unique aesthetic whilst adhering to the design principles of the game in question, reflecting the tokens identity in terms of color and formatting.
Personal Metal Gear Solid 4 Cover, 2020 (Personal Project)
For years I’ve bought a number of games, many of which happened to be used and have their covers missing or damaged. Noticing one of my favorite games happened to be under said circumstances. Instead of Printing out an original cover online, I decided to take the opportunity to create the cover I wanted, as the original, while not bad, was a little lacking. From scratch, I replicated the case layout that was universal to all second generation PS3 games, including all the legal disclaimers and iconography representing the game’s features. In terms of design, I chose something that as more cohesive with some of the previous game’s covers, heavily utilizing the art from Yoji Shinkawa as well as stills from the actual game. My goal was this was to flex my skills and replicate what very well could be an actual game cover, down to the last detail.
Personal Metal Gear Solid 4 Cover, Inside/Alternate Cover, 2020
Sometimes games put something on the backside of the display cover, sometimes it’s promotional art, a user manual, or even an alternate cover. I chose to create a design that subtly reflects some of the story beats that the game emphasizes, ones that perceptive players can identify when coming back to.
Burlesque Pinup Print, 2020
During the pandemic, I refreshed my art skills and strove to create a piece that combines my illustration talents with that of my Graphic Design skills, effectively culminating into a retro 20s styled poster of a burlesque event, conveying function while expressing style.
Underpants Poster Project (Primary Submission) 2019
This is a poster I designed for a play, “The Underpants” by Steve Martin, performed by the local Murray State Theater Department. This design centered around minimalism to convey the suggestive theme of the play. I made this in illustrator, and from looking at some Saul Bass references, I created a pair of silhouetted legs modeled in a provocative pose. I then created an underwear graphic that’s dangling from one of the legs. The garment itself reflects the colors and structure of the German flag, a reference to the play’s setting conveyed visually in the poster. The main title font is in Superclarendon accompanied by Helvetica, to give it a sort of Bauhaus aesthetic which cohesively creates a unified design principle around minimalism..
Underpants Poster Project (Alternative Submission) 2019
This is the second design I made for the production, which played more heavily with the German imagery and symbolism. When structuring this poster, I took inspiration from the imperial German flag from the early 20th century as it appropriately reflects the time period of the play. Through the use of the Prussian Eagle as the central focal point, I more or less sought to subvert this symbol of national pride into something more comical by putting a pair of heart patterned boxers. To convey the German references in full, I made the main title font a Black letter font, Deutsche Zierschrift, accompanied by Rye regular, Superclarendon, and Helvetica.
Dragons Milk Label and Bottle 2018
The primary principle around this design was to rebrand the product in way that gave it a more commercial appeal while still paying tribute to the original design. The primary change was the main font choice, being switched from a more thematic font to something that gave t brand recognition.
Kromwell Canteen Package 2018
This project revolved around creating a uniquely designed package that displays the product as well as retain it. I gave the package an octagonal top as I felt it gave the package a unique aesthetic as well as better accommodate the product. I chose blues and oranges to give the product a certain outdoor appeal, as I did research on other camping products and found similar colors to be a recurring theme, thus I incorporated it into my design.
The Midnight Society Story Forum Website 2018
This website was designed in a forum like style, the intended goal of being a virtual campfire to post their own unique scary stories. The home page here sees where certain genres of stories have their own specific folders for better organization, as well as site updates and events, as well as recently popular stories.
Smithsonian A Dawning Light Through Time Brochure 2018
This project had me at the helm of creating an informative as well as visually interesting design for an exhibition brochure. Choosing to associate it with the Smithsonian, I chose a color pallete that reflected the Smithsonian website, giving it a sense of brand recognition. I used variations and graphics that alluded to their logo to further reinforce this trait, and used imagery to reflect a sense of both discovery and history to aid in the visual appeal.
Wolf Week Spotlight Schedule Poster 2015
This project involved creating a poster that gave detailed times on a local land between the lakes event. The event itself was based around wolf endangerment awareness, and thus I centered the aesthetic around nature as well as the wolf itself. Heavy use of muted greens and as well as sky blue to give it a positive vibe.
JogPro Exercise Application 2018
This series of mobile Ui/UX screen stemmed from creating an application that could track, as well as keep statistics fro when someone went for a jog. I created a predominantly orange color palette as I felt it gave the design an athletic appeal, and incorporated a seamless series of icons that provided further function throughout the app. This stemmed from research on what recurring mobile design trends were predominant, and this influenced my design and composition greatly.
Osborn National Finance App UI 2018
This project centered around a variety of factors when considering both the layout, visuals, and structure of the interface. I was given the task of designing a mobile finance application that catered towards the Baby Boomer demographic. Before
Motivational Poster Project 2017
This poster was one of a series that focused around a design template dictated by a creative director. In a sense this poster, along with its counterparts, created a cohesive and recognizable design that could be attributed to one another while still maintaining a level of individuality.
Not Yet Begun To Fight 2017
This poster advertisement centered around promoting a television program detailing what veterans face after coming back home. To reflect the rather somber nature of the subject matter, I used black and white imagery alluding to the context and location, accompanied by a muted green to project the military aspect of the program.
Over the River and Through the Woods, Pages 5 &6. 2018
In this project, I incorporated my skills in drawing and illustration into this proof of concept, where I was tasked in creating my first comic book from scratch. Using the common tale of Red Riding Hood, I sought to establish a darker thematic element to the famous story, using a limited color palette, exaggerated features for the wolf, and a heavy use of black for the panels and textboxes, as it conveys a darker mood.
Annual Report Cincinnati Art Museum 2017
This project centered around creating an annual report that reflected the data, programs, and yearly review of the cincinnati art museum. My colors reflected that of the museum’s branding, and I used a variety of visual formats to give the report an interesting and engaging aesthetic to compel the reader to read page after page,
Aftermath Exhibition, 2019
This exhibition showcased my debut comic series, Aftermath, a graphic novel spread across 32 pages. The various pages played with different visual compositions using a black and white with limited color palette.
Antler, Character Concept #2, 2021
Antler, Character Concept #1, 2021
Faun Character Concepts (Male), 2021
Gnome Character Concepts (Female), 2021
Gnome Character Concepts (Male), 2021
Faun Character Concepts (Female), 2021
Goblin Character Concept (Male #1), 2021
Goblin Character Concept (Male #2), 2021
Goblin Character Concept (Female #1), 2021
Goblin Character Concept (Female #2), 2021
Elf Character Concepts, 2021
Dwarf Character Concepts (Male), 2021
Orc Character Concepts (Female), 2021
Dwarf Character Concepts (Female), 2021
Orc Character Concepts (Male), 2021
Draconin Character Concepts (Male), 2021
Draconin Character Concepts (Female), 2021